Tuesday, 12 February 2013

Clashing Classy?

Yep that's right clashing has officially become classy. Pair your favourite print top with your favourite print skirt. Don't worry about looking 'over the top' or like Ugly Betty, it's one of this season's fashion trends!

In all seriousness, don't take what I just said to literally, I'm sorry but Ugly Betty will just never be a good look. However it is true, bright coloured prints and patterns are in. Digital-print is this seasons galaxy print. Peter Pilotto showed off a stunning selection of dresses all in digital print. They are unbelievable!  
But like any fashion trend, on the runway it looks amazing but if your like me, as much as you would like to, you don't have the lifestyle quite right to wear one of these designs. So I have picked out a few of my favourite pieces that I found, that are more suited to us 'normal people.'
Firstly, this Pelmet Skirt from Topshop (£40):

Next, to add a soft touch of pattern to your outfit, this gorgeous sweatshirt from French Connection:

And lastly, these green semi-circle studs again from Topshop (£10): 

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