Sunday, 24 February 2013

Make-me-over Like: Kendall and Kylie Jenner

Here is my second Make-me-over blog post ever, this one proved a little trickier to film and edit but hopefully it will be OK  I am still working on everything as it is far from perfect but I will get there eventually, hopefully! So I was pretty close to my set deadline of having a new one posted every Sunday, however I will admit it was a few minutes on the wrong side of the deadline due to me cutting it close and then the uploading speed. Whoops!

Anyway I hope you enjoy watching and leave a comment saying which celebrity or famous person you would like to see next! I would be thrilled to get a suggestion or any feedback what so ever! Don't forget to follow me on Twitter  @_stylediary.

Thursday, 21 February 2013

Fitspiration - Workout Clothes to Get You Motivated

Workout Clothes to Get You Motivated:

Tomorrow I plan to start a health/fitness kick as I am not feeling very good or confident about my body image. However at the same time I can't seem to get motivated or enthusiastic about starting. As starting a fitness and health kick is often the hardest bit for us I have decided to look at photographs of celebrities that I look up to and aspire to be and look like to see what clothes they wear to workout. I am now going to insert photos of the outfits I liked the most:

Miley Cyrus

                                                                  Nina Dobrev

Ashley Tisdale            
                                                                   Mila Kunis

I hope for any of you that were trying desperately to scrape up some motivation to get fit like me seeing these celebrities in there 'fabulous' workout gear as helped you a little bit. Lets do this once and for all, lets get fit for summer 2013! Leave a comment below of what you wear to workout and who is your celebrity body crush?

Monday, 18 February 2013

DIY: Safety Pin Bracelet

I hope you like this video tutorial, as you can see I have had a lot of fun this weekend making videos to upload to my blog so I hope you enjoy them because there will definitely be more of them!

DIY Bracelets, what you will need:
1. Scissors
2. String or elastic
3. Beads
4. Around 80 safety pins
5. Clear nail varnish.

P.S I hope this is better quality, made this to make up for the poor quality Make-me-over video which disappointed me. Used my iPhone for this one, but if this still isn't better I have a even higher quality camera that should definitely be good quality. As you can see I am still learning the ropes of the whole recording and editing process!

Sunday, 17 February 2013

Make-me-over:Like Millie Mackintosh

I've decided that every week I will post a 'Make-me-over:Like..' which will include a short video. These posts will be inspired by the style of a celebrity or any other famous person. The style book that you see in the video was the inspiration to my blog's name - fashionandsylediary. I had always planned on doing something like this which included the book but didn't realise just how long it would take. So I have now made the decision that I will upload one of these posts complete with a video every week.

This week my inspiration is Millie Mackintosh, from the hit reality TV show Made in Chelsea, who I adore! Leave a comment saying who's style you would like me to make a post on next week! Posts will be every Sunday!

Thursday, 14 February 2013

Bumps be-gone! Soap and Glory Scrub of Your Life Review

With Spring/Summer fast approaching it will be no time before bare arms and legs are out on show. However what about the bumps on the backs of your arms, dry elbows and shins? Well this is exactly the reason I bought Soap and Glory the Scrub of your life (£7 at Boots Stores). I mainly bought it for my sister and I as we both have a very servere form of bumps on the back of your arms. Over the past few years we have made several attempts to get rid of them. However we never noticed enough difference to stick at it.

This is where The Scrub of Your Life comes in. During the first use I noticed its pleasant smell. It's not overpoweringly scented but nicely fresh. Also while using it I was impressed by the texture and formula. The grains/granules seemed to be just the right size as I could definitely tell that they were making an impact but they didn't feel abrasive or irritate my sensitive skin.

My sister and I have come to the end of the bottle now and I will definitely be buying another one. The difference it has made to my arms is amazing, they are by no means completely smooth but after a few months of more scrubbing they will undoubtedly be 'as smooth as a baby's bottom.' To use a common cliche.

If you also suffer from bumps on the back of your arms that make you self-conscious about striping down to tops and tanks in the warmer months, then join me in preparing months ahead for such occasions. Soap and Glory the Scrub of Your Life is up there with my favourite products of all time and I would suggest that you try it. However, warning, it's addictive!

Tuesday, 12 February 2013

Clashing Classy?

Yep that's right clashing has officially become classy. Pair your favourite print top with your favourite print skirt. Don't worry about looking 'over the top' or like Ugly Betty, it's one of this season's fashion trends!

In all seriousness, don't take what I just said to literally, I'm sorry but Ugly Betty will just never be a good look. However it is true, bright coloured prints and patterns are in. Digital-print is this seasons galaxy print. Peter Pilotto showed off a stunning selection of dresses all in digital print. They are unbelievable!  
But like any fashion trend, on the runway it looks amazing but if your like me, as much as you would like to, you don't have the lifestyle quite right to wear one of these designs. So I have picked out a few of my favourite pieces that I found, that are more suited to us 'normal people.'
Firstly, this Pelmet Skirt from Topshop (£40):

Next, to add a soft touch of pattern to your outfit, this gorgeous sweatshirt from French Connection:

And lastly, these green semi-circle studs again from Topshop (£10): 

Monday, 11 February 2013

Trend Watch - The Tux

Tux inspired outfits are all the range for SS13 and have been seen frequently on the runway this season. As seen at New York Fashion Week on the Ralph Lauren and Alexander Wang runway.

Loving the style and being bold enough to wear your own tux inspired outfit are completely different things. It's often not seen as a very wearable everyday trend but more something that is explicitly high fashion. However, if you stop to think about it, in your wardrobe do you have a simple blazer? Almost everyone does and almost everyone also see's a good blazer as a staple piece. There you have it, without even realising you are keeping up with the trend of the moment.

So now that you have come to realise that your fashion sense is so good that you are subconsciously ahead of the trend by owning that blazer, why don't we move on to different ways of styling it.

Blazers are perfect for looking casual, smart, effortless and put-together all at the same time. I think of blazers as chameleons - they are able to adapt to whatever environment you are in. With blazers you will never look out of place.

You can simply pair your blazer with jeans for a classy everyday look. In this picture Poppy Delevingne is wearing a pale nude/white blazer, however this look would work equally as well with a different colour of blazer also. This outfit is a light, fun take on the tuxedo.

If you are going out and you want to look cute and girly, believe it or not but a blazer might just be the thing for you! Pairing your traditional black blazer with a pretty, soft skirt in a grey tone and a simple vest top or blouse is the way to go. Lauren Conrad pulls this look off flawlessly! Credit where it is due!

So perhaps you're not ready to go all out with this trend, like Amanda Seyfried (who looked stunning!), but hopefully this helped to inspire you and give you ideas on how to incorporate this trend into your outfits. Are there any other trends you'd like me to do a Trend Watch blog post about? Let me know!

Tuesday, 5 February 2013

Multiple Ear Piercings

Recently I have been obsessed with the look of multiple ear piercings. Since I got my standard first lobes pierced (when I was thirteen, i.e two and a half years ago!) I have been dying to get another. A year ago my sister got her double done on one ear which I think looks really cute and nice but since she is my sister I don't want that done as well. We already look enough a like as it is! Also since then double lobe piercings have sort of spiraled completely and now almost everyone at my school has them. So in a bid to be a bit more original I have dismissed double lobe piercings as an idea.

So I have been googling endlessly trying to find an idea that I really like and have found a few things. Before I post pictures I just want to say I know they still aren't very original or 'hipster' as some people might  say but they are perfect for my style. (they are also piercings that if I ask enough my parents might let me have!)

1. double helix/cartilage


As seen on Miley Cyrus and Kendall Jenner.

2. Triple Forward/Anti Helix

What do you like best? Let me know, after all it might be done to my ear!